Nashe Muza

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-15 at 10.50.27_0dd305b2
Born30 August 2012
SchoolUplands Preparatory
Lives inMbombela, Mpumalanga


Nashe Muza from Mpumalanga, South Africa has been a Jumping Kids Prosthetic Fund beneficiary since 2013. From a young age, Nashe was encouraged to be her lively self and to actively participate in gymnastics, swimming, and any other sports she wanted to try out.

Nashe was born with a congenital condition resulting in a below ankle amputation in 2013.

That same year, Nashe’s mother, Mara, was referred to Jumping Kids through whose support Nashe was fitted with her first prosthetic walking solution.

From it being doubtful that Nashe would ever walk unassisted, to her participating in gymnastic and swimming only four years after her first prosthetic fitment, it was clear that with the correct prosthetic equipment and support, there is nothing Nashe could not accomplish.

Currently a learner at Uplands Preparatory School in White River, Nashe continues to impress teachers with her tenacity, adaptability, and passion. Reportedly she is well integrated and popular amongst her peers.

The feedback that ‘everybody wants to be her friend’ is easy to believe of this spontaneous young lady who was fitted with her first sports prosthesis, known as a running blade, in March of 2024.

Nashe was selected as a The Star Foundation candidate in 2024.


  1. What is your favourite subject at school and why?

My favourite subjects at school are Maths because I understand it well and art because I love to draw and paint.

  1. What would you like to pursue as a career one day?

One day, I would like to be a singer because I love singing and I love music. Recently I auditioned for a solo in the choir, and I got the part. I am very excited.

  1. What types of sport and extracurricular activities are you involved in?

The types of sports that I am involved in are netball, hockey, and soccer. The type of extracurricular activity I do is choir. I also love ice-skating. I taught myself how to skate and now I am really good.

  1. What do you hope to try or achieve with your new prosthetic sports blade?

Equipped with my new prosthetic sports blade I hope to make the relay, high jump, or long jump team in Athletics.

  1. What is your message to children living with a physical challenge?

My message to children living with a physical challenge is that it is not a disability, it is a wonder that God has given you. God is shining His wonders through you, and you are unstoppable if you put your mind to it.